Seminar: Good Governance in Sport
Date: 15. February, 2019
Hours: 14:00 (registration) – 19:00
Venue: Modra dvorana (Blue hall)| Ekonomska Fakulteta UL, Kardeljeva Ploščad 17, Ljubljana, Slovenia (map)
Main goal of the event is to raise awareness about the importance of Good Governance in sport for organization managers at various levels of sport ecosystem.
Good Governance Principles as they were developed by the EU Expert Group as a part of Workplan for Sport in EU (2011 – 2014) together with interesting good practice examples will be presented to the attendees by ex-athlete and professor Tomaž Čater, PhD, from Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. The second part of the seminar will be covered by world-leading sport psychologist and professor Matej Tusak, PhD, from Faculty of Sports, University of Ljubljana, who touch the subjects of Ethics in sport & Sport Management and why it is important when it comes to managing sport organizations. After a short break Rok Snoj, from the Ice Hockey Federation of Slovenia will present the Key challenges and Chain of consequences in ice-hockey when it comes to management. At the end of the event all participants will have a chance to network, speak with the presenters and exchange opinions.
14:00 Registration
14:30 Welcome Speech
14:45 – 15:45 Principles of Good Governance in sport with Good Practice examples
Tomaž Čater, PhD, Head of post-graduate programme: Management in Sport at Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana
15:45 – 16:45 Ethics in Sport and Sport Management
Matej Tušak, PhD, Sport Psychology professor at Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, and world-leading sport psychologist.
16:45 – 17:15 ☕ Coffee Break / 🕴🕴 Networking
17:30 – 18:15 Key challenges and Chain of consequences in ice-hockey
Rok Snoj, Master of Business Studies, Head of HPP Project and former hockey player
18:30 – 19:00 🕴🕴 Networking
The entry to the Seminar is free of charge, however registration is required. Please click button below to register.